So, another 6 months has flown by and it’s that time of the year again…your Active Maintenance dental appointment. You go through to the treatment room with the hygienist, lie back and spend 40 minutes having a thorough scale and clean. Then it’s time for the dentist to make their appearance and do your dental examination. Whilst you’re lying there, with your shaded glasses on and mouth wide, you start to ponder…“What can they see? What are they looking for? Should I have brushed a little longer after breakfast this morning?”. I spoke with the Business Manager of Aim Dental Group to find out why we need this and what the Dentist does in this time.
What do you do at Aim Dental Group?
My job is to ensure the business is growing and all staff including Dentists are abiding to policies and procedures set by the company, but also ensuring the business is following the Australian Dental Association (ADA) guidelines and Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines. These organizations are our governing bodies
What types of things do these ADA and AHPRA guidelines include?
Sterilization Protocols, Confidentiality of Dental Records…. Everything really, even our Social Media Use.
I attend regularly for 6 month check-ups. One thing I never understand is why I need a dental exam every time I have my clean?
Many people are now aware of the general health benefits of having regular scale and cleans. The media have covered the link between unhealthy gums and increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and premature birth. A question we do get though is why the need for a dentist to do an exam every 6 months? Problems in and around the mouth such as tooth decay, gum disease, jaw problems and oral cancer are completely painless in their early stages. A regular check by a dentist can uncover these problems early. This can mean very simple treatment or in some cases prevention rather than treatment.
Ok sure, but the Dentist only takes 10 minutes, are they really checking everything properly?
Before entering the therapist’s room your dentist has already been studying your previous x-rays and revising your dental history. Each morning, the dentist and the Therapist you will be seeing have a meeting about your needs so your visit is well prepared and allows your dental examination to often be completed within a matter of minutes.
At Aim Dental Group we have designed our active maintenance appointments to be efficient and effective. In this time the dentist has completed your oral cancer screening, checked every tooth for sign of decay, reviewed the condition of any previous dental treatment you have received and assessed the health of your gums and mouth.
So you’re saying that having exams every 6 months reduces the need for spending money on larger treatment like crowns, fillings and Root Canals?
It certainly does reduce it. Dental examinations help to diagnose disease before it becomes hazardous to your health. In addition, regular examinations can save patients money by finding problems while they are small and before they become expensive to repair, or in some cases, impossible to repair.
We pride ourselves on the effective communication skills of our team and our dentists are no exception. Our dentists want to empower their patients with thorough knowledge and understanding of their treatment options and give honest and current advice to help them make the best decisions about their oral care.
Call us to book in your active maintenance appointment today on 1300 AIM DENTAL