Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is very common and nothing to be ashamed of. Many people put up with a great deal of pain from their gums and teeth, in order to avoid

Congratulations Sheron!

We would like to congratulate Sheron from our Merredin practice on her 7 year anniversary with Aim Dental Group! Sheron joined the team back in 2011 and is a committed

Aim 4 Kids Day

Over the years Aim Dental Group have worked to raise money for PMH and Perth Children’s Hospital. When given the opportunity to give charitably our owners have chosen to donate

Congratulations Karen!

We would like to congratulate our Accounts Manager, Karen on her 12 year anniversary with Aim Dental Group! Karen joined the team as a Dental Assistant and has worked her

Watch Your Mouth!

This year, Dental Health week runs from August 6th – 12th and  focused on overall oral health. It has been a reminder to everyone that oral health does not just involve